/ Baza Książek / William H. Keith Jr. / brak wydania polskiego


Autor:William H. Keith Jr.

Wydawnictwo: Avon Books

Rok wydania: 1994

Seria: Warstrider

Tom: 3

ISBN: 978-03807759-10

Liczba stron: 342


FUTURE UNCERTAIN — Once he was the gaijin champion of a cruel and oppressive Empire. Now Dev Cameron is a military commander for the rebellious, newborn Confederation -- and at tentative peace with the galaxy's all-powerful rulers. — But treachery has shattered the uneasy truce, as the Imperial lords prepare to rain destruction down, upon the outpost of New America -- delivering the final death blow to the still young revolution. And now only one incomprehensible act can save Dev Cameron and his cause: a miraculous link with an alien self that could change the course of the future...by transforming a man into a god.


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