/ Baza Książek / Cidney Swanson / brak wydania polskiego

Losing Mars

Autor:Cidney Swanson

Wydawnictwo: Williams Press

Rok wydania: 2013

Seria: Saving Mars

Tom: 3

ISBN: 9781939543035

Liczba stron: 384


Jessamyn has survived a terrifying crash but lost her ship, joining Pavel, Ethan, and others in the dissenter settlement of Yucca. Now, Chancellor Lucca Brezhnaya believes Jess is out to destroy the Terran government, and Lucca will stop at nothing to find Jess. The trail of tellurium left in the Mars Raiders’ wake makes them vulnerable to discovery, and when Lucca places a spy in their midst, secrets are spilled that could mean the loss of everything—and everyone—Jess holds dear.


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